
Showing posts from August, 2023

Week 12: Finishing my Internship

This week I have worked towards finishing up my internship. This included working on social media content for the Community Day events- including marketing focused on keynote speakers, when the event is beginning, etc. Since I am continuing the internship beyond this as I work year long on social media- this is something I will be scheduling throughout September. I feel very lucky to have worked with everyone that I have, and I'm happy to conclude my internship knowing that I'm proud of myself. 

Week 11: Wrapping up

This last week has been mainly focused on wrapping everything up for my work on the Tech and Community Day Summit events. This consisted of adding all speakers into the Expo Platoform with my mentor, asd well as making sure that everyone who provided their bio and photo would have their information in the system. I also scheduled out social media for the whole month, so this allowed me to focus on wrapping things up and phasing out my internship as I'm approaching the final week. I am very happy I got to have this opportunity to work with a lot of the people that I did :)

Week 10: Wrap up of Tech Summit and Community Day & Presentation

I've wrapped up most of the work for the Tech Summit and Community Day, including the upload of all speaker photos into a file in Teams. I've also created a list of those who haven't yet submitted their information (title, abstract, bio and photo) and given them to Trish, Heidi and Carmen so when I've wrapped up my internship, they can follow up with them.  I also presented to Stu's team and finished up my final Intern presentation. It feels good to have it done and I'm proud of my achievements. Now that I have two weeks left for my internship, I am going to finish up everything that I can for the Tech Summit, and work primarily on finishing up social media content, Evergreen content and finalizing the TCO Whitepaper Turtl document.

Week 9: Schedule Recordings for Sessions!

This week, I scheduled recordings for all sessions! This was a bit of a time-consuming task because for each session, I would have check the speakers' response, go into their Outlook calender to see when everyone was available (with consideration of timezones), and then enter  Calendly to schedule their day, time and all their information so their recording could be booked. I ended up doing this for over 40 sessions- so it took a lot of time and I spent most of the week doing this.  I also worked on preparations for my final Intern presentation in front of Stu's team for next week. I was able to meet with both Jessica and Hugo on Wednesday and Friday to gain approval of what I would be presenting, visuals, and the information I would include. 

Week 8: Meetings for Tech Summit and Work on Turtl Document

For the Turtl document, I gained more insight from Jessica and Hugo into what I should alter and include in the final Turtl document for the TCO Whitepaper. While I have been focusing primarily on the Tech Summit, I've been able to make these changes and now it is ready to be put on the website whenever possible.  I've also been participating in Tech Summit meetings on Monday in which we share all the information and updates that took place in this week. It has allowed me to take note of how things are progressing and goals for the week. It's been very useful in keeping track of everything. This week with the Summit, we have nearly reached/reached the deadline for bio and photo submission- so the next steps are to chase the information of those who haven't submitted their items as well as begin updating and making note of the people who are already in the ExpoPlatform system, and those who are not. 

Week 7: Continuing Work on Events

This week, I was again focusing on working on Tech Summit and Community Day events and getting all the information together in the spreadsheets that I created. This has been a very useful opportunity for me to gain more insight into communication and organizational skills as I've been constantly checking back with Trish, Heidi and Carmen, as well as everyone that I was working to get the information from. In the upcoming weeks, I will work on finishing up everything with these events so the next few weeks are going to be based primarily on this. I also worked on social media content and while it has been a slower summer with regards to content production, I have been regularly posting on all social media platforms- including getting Instagram set up.